Sensory And Panel Testing

Sensory And Panel Testing

The purpose of flavor analysis of foods is to determine the reaction of different people to various product groups. Another advantage is to be able to obtain information about the flavors of different products with this analysis method.

It is the measurement of product flavor that is commonly performed in soft drinks, beverages such as beer, cider, etc. Food and beverages are primarily taste-tested for quality. Mostly, tests are done without product knowledge.

When a food product is subjected to panel tests, a few questions are asked to determine the correct method:

- What is the purpose of the panel test?
- What problem about food is to be solved?
- How will the results be interpreted?
- Are the evaluation forms clear and unambiguous?
- Have the tasters been trained and controlled?

Passing the Sensory and Panel Tests of a food, especially during the R&D stages, ensures that the problems in the product are determined in advance, and changes are made, resulting in a good product.

In general, it can be said that the panelists evaluate 4 basic tastes as sweet, sour, bitter and sweet.

Sensory and panel tests; It can be done for many purposes such as determining food quality, contributing to the product development process, having information about consumers' preferences.
