Organic Food Analysis

Organic Food Analysis

Organic agriculture has become a demanding market with today's healthy nutrition and environmental awareness. Organic products are high quality and certified products that do not contain foreign matter, pollutants and residues.

Organic food production is generally carried out on fruits and vegetables, meat, agricultural products.

Some rules to be followed in organic product production are as follows:

- The area where organic products will be produced should not have been treated with products that are not allowed (agricultural pesticides, etc.) for at least 3 years.
- Measures should be taken against the risk of contamination in the production area.
- It can be used in the production process; Substances such as food, feed, additives, fertilizers cannot contain GMOs.
- The use of non-renewable resources should be kept to a minimum.
- Animals used in organic meat production should definitely be fed with organic feeds. It must not be genetically modified.

Organic food production is tried to be kept under control within the scope of the Regulation on the Principles and Implementation of Organic Agriculture prepared based on the Organic Agriculture Law No. 5262 dated 1/12/2004.

Products may pass certain tests before obtaining an organic agriculture certificate.

Analysis Performed in the Scope of Organic Food Analysis
  • GMO screening
  • Typing analysis
  • Species determination in meat products
  • Pesticide analysis
  • Determination of antibiotics and hormones
  • Determination of additives
