Food Fraud and Adulteration

Food Fraud and Adulteration

Imitation: It is defined as the representation of foodstuffs as they are not in terms of shape, content or quality.

Adulteration: It is defined as the production of foodstuffs in violation of the relevant standards and regulations.

With the increase of imitation and adulteration in foods, the concept of safe food is in danger. In the market, foods are sold at different prices under different brands. It includes unfair competition due to imitation and adulteration in foods, and most importantly, the aim of deceiving the consumer.

In order to protect the health and rights of the consumer, food production must pass inspections and tests under certain regulations at almost every stage. The most important part is to prevent imitation and adulteration processes that can be applied to foods.

Within the scope of the Regulation on the Inspection and Control of Food Safety and Quality, the necessary procedures, precautions and definitions to be taken to ensure food safety are specified. If there are substances that can be used for counterfeiting and adulteration, which are not related to the product produced in a workplace within the scope of this regulation, penal action is applied in accordance with the relevant article of the Law No. 5179.

In order to determine counterfeit and adulteration processes in a food, the product must pass certain tests and analyzes. Especially; Meat products, dairy products, honey and vegetable oils are subjected to very different imitation and adulteration processes.

Analysis Performed in the Scope of Imitation and Adulteration Studies
  • Meat-Species Determination (Pig, Horse, Donkey, Turkey, Chicken)
  • Soybe Gene Scan
  • Determination of Melamine
  • Gelatin Analysis
  • Starch Determination
  • Determination of Fatty Acids Composition
  • Sterol Composition
  • Milk Fat Oil Search
  • Vegetable Oil Search
  • Determination of CMC (Carboxymethyl cellulose)
