Total Migration Testing

Total Migration Testing

As the consumption of ready meals increases, the use of packaging also increases. Packaging materials used in food packaging have also become important. Due to the hot or cold packaging of the food and long-term storage in the package, some substances in the packages may pass into the food.

This situation is called migration. Migration can be briefly defined as the transfer of substances from packaging material to food.

There are several factors that affect migration:

- Properties of Foodstuff
- Ambient Temperatures
- Contact Time
- Properties of Packaging Material

Migration test is carried out on the packages in accordance with the Turkish Food Codex Communiqué on the List of Food Similars Used in the Migration Test of Components of Plastic Substances and Materials in Contact with Food. Consumption of harmful substances that can be found in packaging materials can have negative consequences for human health over time.

Total Migration Analysis
  • Total Migration Analysis Migration Dry Foods Modified Polyphenylene oxide (MPPO)
  • Total Migration Analysis Full Immersion (Aqueous Foods-Water, Acidic, Alcoholic)
  • Total Migration Analysis Product Control (Aqueous Foods-Water, Acidic, Alcoholic)
  • Total Migration Analysis Substitution Test Method (Oil-95% Ethanol and Isooctane)

Food simulations used in migration analysis

Food-Like A Juicy Food, 10% Ethyl Alcohol
Food-Like B Acid Food, 3% Acetic Acid
Food-Like C Alcoholic Food, 20% Ethyl Alcohol
Food-Like D1 Fatty Food, 50% Ethyl Alcohol
Food-Like D2 Fatty Food, Vegetable Oil
Food-Like E Dry Food, Poly(2,6-diphenyl-p-phenylene oxide)
