Environmental Noise Measurements

Environmental Noise Measurements

Environmental noise measurements, noise limit values ​​in certain areas have been determined within the scope of the Environmental Noise Evaluation and Management Regulation.

- Road Environmental Noise Limit Values
- Environmental Noise Limit Values ​​for Light Rail Systems
- Airport Environmental Noise Limit Values
- Environmental Noise Limit Values ​​for Industrial Facilities
- Environmental Noise Limit Values ​​for Construction Site
- Maximum Permissible Values ​​of Ground Vibrations to be Caused by Vibrations Due to Explosion in Mines, Quarries and Similar Areas Outside the Nearest Most Sensitive and Sensitive Usage Area
- Maximum Permissible Values ​​of Ground Vibrations to be Created by Pile Driving and Similar Vibration-Creating Operations in Constructions and Construction Machinery Outside the Nearest Most Sensitive and Sensitive Usage Area
- Limit Values ​​of Vibrations in Buildings to be Created by Machinery and Equipment in Buildings
- Indoor Noise Level Limit Values

TS ISO 1996-2 Acoustics - Description, measurement and assessment of environmental noise - Part 2: Determination of environmental noise levels

Within the scope of the "Environmental Measurement and Analysis Laboratories Qualification Regulation", which includes the principles and procedures for the application, evaluation, examination, certification, inspection, certificate suspension and cancellation and similar issues, the authorization to be made in order to issue an Environmental Measurement and Analysis Competence Certificate for the laboratories that carry out environmental measurements and analyzes belonging to private or public. Nanolab Laboratories Group, an authorized laboratory;

It carries out "Environmental Noise Measurements" in many parts of Turkey in accordance with the relevant legal regulations and standards.

