Honey Analysis

Honey Analysis

Honey varieties must pass tests and analyzes in accordance with the quality control conditions determined within the scope of the Turkish Food Codex Honey Communiqué.

Honey varieties; according to its source; It is divided into three as flower honey, pine honey and secretory honey. Honey is one of the most imitated and adulterated food products in our country. In order to prevent these frauds, it is necessary to pass laboratory tests.

As Nanolab Laboratories Group, we carry out "Honey Analysis" procedures in many parts of Turkey in accordance with the relevant legal regulations and standards.

Analysis Performed on Honey
  • Diastase Count Determination
  • Determination of Hydroxymethyl Furfural (HMF)
  • Determination of Sugar Components
  • Determination of Moisture (Moisture) in Honey
  • Determination of Enzyme Activities in Honey
  • Determination of Water Insoluble Substance
  • Proline Analysis
  • Determination of naphthalene
  • Determination of Antibiotic
  • Determination of Free Acidity in Honey
  • Determination of pH
