Olive Oil Analysis

Olive Oil Analysis

Olive oil is a high nutritional value oil obtained only from the fruits of Olea europaea L. Olive oil is produced in 4 different types:

- Natural Olive Oil
- Refined Olive Oil
- Riviera Olive Oil
- Flavored Olive Oil

Olive oil is among the foods most exposed to counterfeit and adulteration. For this reason, it must be produced under the conditions specified in the "Turkish Food Codex Communiqué on Olive Oil and Olive Oil" and must undergo regular tests and analyzes.

Quality Analysis of Olive Oil
  • Free Fatty Acidity
  • Peroxide Determination
  • UV Absorption Values
  • Impurities Insoluble in Ether
  • Determination of Moisture and Volatile Matter
  • Heavy Metal Detection
  • Sensory Properties

Purity Analysis of Olive Oil
  • Refractive index
  • Fatty acid composition
  • Sterol composition
  • Total amount of sterols
  • Palmitic and stearic with ß-position
  • Wax amount
  • Triglyceride composition
  • Stigmastadiene amount
  • Relative density
  • Saponification number
  • Iodine count
  • Trans fatty acids
  • Maximum difference between real and theoretical ECN42
  • Total saturated acids at 2-position of triglycerides
  • Determination of Erythrodiol
  • Determination of uvaol waxy substances
