Risk Analysis

Risk Analysis

The aim of the risk analysis, which should be applied in a way to cover all stages of the food industry such as production, storage and transportation, is to eliminate all the problems that will negatively affect human health with the appropriate system to be established.

With the risk analysis in the food sector, chemical, physical and biological risks are determined and necessary precautions are taken.

Risk analysis consists of 3 different components:

Risk assessment:

- Identification of the hazard
- Characterization of the hazard
- Exposure assessment
• Qualitative exposure assessment
• Quantitative exposure assessment
• Semi-quantitative exposure assessment
- Risk characterization

Risk management:

- Preparatory Risk Management Activities
- Defining and Selecting Risk Management Options
- Evaluation of Risk Management Options
- Monitoring and Review

Risk communication: It is the stage of sharing the decisions taken in line with the findings obtained after the risk assessment and risk management stages with all units.

As Nanolab Laboratories Group; provides support in risk analysis processes carried out in food production areas.

As Nanolab Laboratories Group, we carry out "Determination of Nutrient Elements" test procedures in many parts of Turkey in accordance with the relevant legal regulations and standards.
