Stability Analysis

Stability Analysis

Stability test in biocidal products is a test parameter to determine the shelf life of products. Stability analysis is carried out with 3 different methods.

  • Short Term Stability Test
  • Long Term Stability Test
  • Open Package Stability Test

Stability tests are carried out depending on the storage conditions of the biocidal product to be tested. In general, "Short Term Stability Test" is not performed on products that can deteriorate above 30°C. "Long-Term Stability Test" is applied for biocidal products that can deteriorate above 30°C. In order to determine the shelf life of a biocidal product after the package is opened, the "Open Package Stability Test" is carried out.

Parameters Basis for Evaluating Stability Test Results
  • pH Value
  • Amount of Active Substance
  • Density Determination
  • Appearance, Quantity, Odor, and Color Control
