Combustion Efficiency Measurement In Burners

Combustion Efficiency Measurement In Burners

Burner; It provides the release of heat by burning different fuel types with air at appropriate rates. There are burner types that work with different fuels such as natural gas, LPG, LNG, CNG, diesel, fuel oil or powdered coal.

Burner types are divided into 3 types.

- According to the working principle
- According to the type of fuel used
- According to the atomization of the fuel

Burner combustion efficiency should be checked at regular intervals. The controls to be made will primarily increase the energy cost and then extend the life of the burner.

The studies carried out in burner measurements are as follows:

- O2, CO, CO2, NO, NO(x), SO2, CxHy gases
- Soot Measurement
- Pressure
- Temperature
- Gas Leak Detection
- Humidity
- Flow Rate Measurement

As Nanolab Laboratories Group, we carry out "Combustion Efficiency Measurement in Burners" operations in many parts of Turkey in accordance with the relevant legal regulations and standards.

