Stability Testing

Stability Testing

The most important issue for cosmetic products is the shelf life of the product and the physical and chemical changes it undergoes during the shelf life. Cosmetic products are subjected to stability tests within the scope of the "Guideline on the Stability of Cosmetic Products and the Period of Use After Opening".

Two different methods are used in stability tests:

- Accelerated Stability Test
- Long Term Stability Test

Stability tests are used to determine what kind of change cosmetic products undergo during the shelf life, under appropriate storage conditions, in the process after opening. The structure, content, usage and packaging type of the cosmetic product are important points in stability tests.

During the stability tests, changes in some parameters are checked.
  • pH
  • Packaging changes (Breakage, cracking, sealing)
  • Sensory Changes (Smell, color, appearance)
  • Viscosity change
  • Weight change
  • Determination of microbial load

As Nanolab Laboratories Group, we carry out "Stability Test" test procedures in many parts of Turkey in accordance with the relevant legal regulations and standards.
