Nutritional Elements Testing

Nutritional Elements Testing

The foods we consume in our daily lives contain nutrients. Nutrients are substances that must be taken regularly in order for the body to perform its basic functions. They are mostly taken from food because they cannot be produced by the human body.

There are 6 types of nutrients that enable the body to maintain its health and fulfill its functions.

- Carbohydrates
- Oils
- Vitamins
- Proteins
- Minerals
- That

As Nanolab Laboratories Group, we carry out "Determination of Nutrient Elements" test procedures in many parts of Turkey in accordance with the relevant legal regulations and standards.

Analysis Performed for Determination of Nutrient Elements
  • Calculation of Carbohydrate and Energy Values ​​by Atwater Method
  • Determination of Total Dietary Fiber
  • Determination of Cholesterol Amount
  • Ash Amount
  • Mineral Determination
  • Starch Determination
  • Determination of Organic Acids
  • Protein Determination
  • Determination of Trans Fat Isomers
  • Salt Determination
  • Determination of Fatty Acids
  • Vitamin Analysis
