Lactic Acid Bacteria Count

Lactic Acid Bacteria Count

A standard has been developed for the examination of lactic acid bacteria in beverages containing lactic acid bacteria within the framework of lactic acid bacteria count and microbiological examinations for food hygiene. This standard covers the examination of lactic acid bacteria in foods containing live lactic acid bacteria and describes the examination method for lactic acid bacteria in foods containing lactic acid bacteria.

Lactic acid bacteria is the common name for a group of bacteria that can ferment saccharides to produce large amounts of lactic acid. The main lactic acid bacteria are lactobacillus, bifidobacterium and streptococcus.

Acid-producing microorganisms are ubiquitous in nature and are more commonly associated with raw and processed foodstuffs. One of the most important industrial groups of acid producing bacteria is lactic acid bacteria. Depending on the type of food and the way it is processed, lactic acid bacteria are considered a beneficial organism or a spoilage organism. Lactic acid bacteria counts are performed to determine the general level of this bacterial group in a particular product or sample.

Lactic acid bacteria are one of the most important groups of probiotic organisms commonly used in fermented milk products. In addition, these microorganisms increase lactose digestion, stimulate the immune system, and prevent and treat diarrhea.

Consumers focus on natural and beneficial foods to improve their health and well-being, and probiotics play an important role in such demand. For this reason, the food industry is constantly searching for new bacterial strains and conducting studies aimed at characterizing their beneficial properties.

