Determination of Iodine Number

Determination of Iodine Number

Quality factors can be estimated with the iodine number in oils. Iodine number in oils is analyzed as a measure of the relative degree of unsaturation in the oil components. Iodine number is the number of mg of iodine required to saturate the fatty acids in 100 mg of oil or fat.

Iodine number is low in oils rich in saturated fatty acids.
Iodine number is high in oils rich in unsaturated fatty acids. .

Iodine Number Determination is performed to check the unsaturated fatty acids in fatty acids. If the iodine number in oils is between 0-70, it is solid fat, and if it is 70 and above, it is oil.

While performing the iodine number determination test, the color change is observed and evaluated.

You can contact Nanolab Analysis Laboratory for Iodine Number Determination.