Energy Calculation Determination

Energy Calculation Determination

Labeling in food products should be carried out in accordance with certain rules within the scope of "Turkish Food Codex Regulation on Food Labeling and Consumer Information". A product label includes information such as the name of the product, its content, net amount, place of production, as well as information such as nutritional value and energy amount.

When a food product is produced, "Energy Calculation Determination" should be performed in the food in terms of both information about the product and labeling. At the same time, "Energy Calculation Determination" is carried out in order to determine the accuracy of the energy amount specified on a product label.

The most common method used for energy calculation in foods is the "Atwater Method". The Atwater method measures the gross energy produced by the combustion of food with a bomb calorimeter. With this method, we can calculate the energy content of foods.

